Got questions? We have answers.

  • Where can I view your properties for rent?

  • How can I view the inside of one of the rentals?

    Contact our office to schedule a viewing with one of our licensed agents 703-494-3000.

  • Do you require an application fee?

    A nonrefundable Processing Fee of $65.00 per applicant over the age of 18 is to be paid at the time the application is submitted. The rental application fee includes payment to the credit reporting agency and is payable on your credit or debit card.

  • What are the criteria used for approving an application?

    All tenants over the age of 18 must apply individually. The minimum credit score is 640, 40% debt to income ratio, income must be three times the monthly rent.

  • How long does it take for my rental application to be processed?

    Applications are submitted automatically, however, it takes around 3-5 business days to review all information and fully process an application.

  • If I'm approved for a property what is the next step?

    You will receive an email with a welcome letter. The email will contain several attachments including the tenant handbook and the move-in checklist.

  • How do I submit normal repair requests?

    Once you are approved for the rental a portal activation email will be sent to you. All maintenance request are submitted online through the tenant portal.

  • What if I need to break my lease?

    Under VA law you are required to fulfill the lease terms. BPM will assist with re-rental of the property in order to reduce your cost. You are responsible for rent until the unit is leased to another tenant.

  • Should I purchase my own policy of renters insurance?

    Yes, your renters insurance policy is due before move-in.

  • When can I expect to receive my security deposit refund?

    Within 42 hours of the completed move-out inspection.

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